VIVESCIA Group and its business: the numbers
Founded at the start of the 20th century by entrepreneurial farmers, VIVESCIA is now a leading agricultural and food processing cooperative Group with operations all over the world. And it still belongs to the farmers.

Men and women united by their entrepreneurial spirit
VIVESCIA’s history can be summed up well by the phrase “agricultural entrepreneurs”. At the heart of our Group lies a cooperative founded in 1921 by farmers from North-East France. Today, it has almost 10,000 members. They own their grain cooperative and act as stakeholders in its governance, each with an equal say thanks to the “one person, one vote” principle. It is this commitment to the collective interest that makes our Group so strong and inspires all our employees, in France and around the world.
9,500member-farmers own the VIVESCIA cooperative
55production sites around the world
4.1 B€of the revenue as of June 30, 2023
Sustainable agriculture & high-quality food for all
Thanks to our diverse businesses, we nurture the grain at every stage from field to fork.
It all starts with the VIVESCIA Cooperative and its agricultural subsidiaries. . Our teams support our cooperative members in the field, working with them day to day to offer agronomic advice and services, and then as they harvest, sort and store their grain and bring it to market.
3,4Mtons of grain harvested in 2023
5%of French wheat is harvested by VIVESCIA
25%of French malting barley is harvested by VIVESCIA
Our business covers the whole value chain, all the way to the grain processing activities required to make ingredients and food products. These operations are carried out by the various businesses that make up VIVESCIA Industries. They are all leaders in their respective markets: milling and frozen bakery (800,000 tonnes of French wheat processed each year), malting (annual production capacity of 2.3 million tonnes), maize processing, animal feed, and research and biotechnology.
Because we mainly operate in the B2B market, few consumers are aware of our businesses. But some of our brands are part of the French culinary landscape: our Francine flour, produced by Grands Moulins de Paris, for example, or our Campaillette and Copaline bakeries.
No.1The leading French miller
2ndbiggest maize processor in Europe
2,000 beersworldwide are brewed every second using our malt
1 Francine productpurchased every second in France
1 in 3French bakers work with Grands Moulins de Paris
66viennoiseries produced every second by Délifrance worldwide