
Our connections to the planet

We see these links as not only deep, but fundamental. Land and soil are the primary assets of VIVESCIA cooperative farmers. Our businesses have their roots in working the land. In today’s world, the land is the focus for some of the most fundamental environmental challenges we face, from climate change resilience to the protection of biodiversity, the agroecological and low-carbon transitions, packaging and reducing our impact on natural resources. All these issues and more are addressed in the ‘My Coop 2025’ business plan implemented by our Cooperative, and the strategic plans of all VIVESCIA Industries companies.

From field to fork, we have a key role to play, and intend to play it to the full, because we understand that the land is a living entity; an ecosystem whose good health determines the future of our business, and more importantly, the future of humanity and our planet.



Reduce our GHG emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) by 29%, including a 42% reduction in our direct scope of responsibility
(scope 1 and 2) by 2030, to contribute to carbon neutrality by 2050.
Reference year 2020-2021.
Assess the impact of climate change on crops in the Cooperative’s territory and in our supply zones in France and abroad, and draw up adaptation plans.


To be a driving force and a source of proposals for VIVESCIA member-farmers in agro-ecological and low-carbon
transitions, and soil conservation.
Evaluate our biodiversity footprint and work to make a positive impact through virtuous farming and industrial practices.
Building a consolidated vision of water-related issues: assessing impacts and dependencies, while defining strategic
orientations for mitigation and resilience.


Promote the Group environmental charter created in 2022 and ensure all sites comply with it.
Minimize the environmental footprint of our packaging through eco-design and increased recycling.
nos liens avec la terre


VIVESCIA in action

Proactive projects, initiatives and proven commitment

Providing active support to help our cooperative farmers introduce agroecological practices on their farms
Providing active support to help our cooperative farmers introduce agroecological practices on their farms

This major commitment is underpinned by the efforts made over many years by the cooperative farmers of VIVESCIA, with the help and support of our Cooperative. In response to today’s major environmental challenges, our agronomists are committed to offering
the right agronomic solutions for a broad range of production methods, and the individual needs and business plans of each farmer.

Providing active support to help our cooperative farmers introduce agroecological practices on their farms

This major commitment is underpinned by the efforts made over many years by the cooperative farmers of VIVESCIA, with the help and support of our Cooperative. In response to today’s major environmental challenges, our agronomists are committed to offering
the right agronomic solutions for a broad range of production methods, and the individual needs and business plans of each farmer.

Evaluating the biodiversity footprint of the group and its activities in 2023, and monitoring it over time
Evaluating the biodiversity footprint of the group and its activities in 2023, and monitoring it over time

Our target is clear: we intend to reduce our biodiversity footprint in all our operating regions. But before we can implement precisely tailored action plans, we must first conduct an assessment of that footprint, and measure and quantify the dependencies and pressures imposed on biodiversity.
➜ Work on conducting the biodiversity footprint assessment of the Group and its activities (including bought-in raw materials) will begin in 2023

Evaluating the biodiversity footprint of the group and its activities in 2023, and monitoring it over time

Our target is clear: we intend to reduce our biodiversity footprint in all our operating regions. But before we can implement precisely tailored action plans, we must first conduct an assessment of that footprint, and measure and quantify the dependencies and pressures imposed on biodiversity.
➜ Work on conducting the biodiversity footprint assessment of the Group and its activities (including bought-in raw materials) will begin in 2023

100% compliance with the recommendations of the HCCA cooperative governance guide by June 2023
100% compliance with the recommendations of the HCCA cooperative governance guide by June 2023

Our Group Environmental Charter is an integral part of building ambitious and substantial foundations for our direct environmental responsibilities, and encouraging the development of a genuinely cross-functional culture. Rolled out during 2022, it clearly sets out the fundamental principles of environmental management that all Group sites must comply with by 2024.
It covers the following issues:

  • energy
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • water
  • biodiversity
  • by-products and waste
  • pollution and pollutants

A working group of business experts has specified the content and supervision required to ensure compliance within the time scale set. In total, around forty people, including industrial, technical, CSR and environmental directors and managers, were involved in creating this fundamental building block.

100% compliance with the recommendations of the HCCA cooperative governance guide by June 2023

Our Group Environmental Charter is an integral part of building ambitious and substantial foundations for our direct environmental responsibilities, and encouraging the development of a genuinely cross-functional culture. Rolled out during 2022, it clearly sets out the fundamental principles of environmental management that all Group sites must comply with by 2024.
It covers the following issues:

  • energy
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • water
  • biodiversity
  • by-products and waste
  • pollution and pollutants

A working group of business experts has specified the content and supervision required to ensure compliance within the time scale set. In total, around forty people, including industrial, technical, CSR and environmental directors and managers, were involved in creating this fundamental building block.

Conducting a soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of vivescia farms by summer 2022
Conducting a soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of vivescia farms by summer 2022

Conducting a soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions assessment for the farms run by VIVESCIA cooperative farmers will provide the essential base level from which to take stock of the current situation and take the most effective action possible.
In April 2022, VIVESCIA began offering all cooperative farmers a free simplified carbon analysis that uses an appropriate, straightforward and accessible methodology developed by the Cooperative's agronomic teams in partnership with a regional startup.
VIVESCIA is the first cereal farming cooperative to offer such a large-scale programme of simplified carbon analyses. Its assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from its farms will be complete by summer 2022, and will significantly accelerate the introduction of low-carbon progress initiatives

Conducting a soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of vivescia farms by summer 2022

Conducting a soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions assessment for the farms run by VIVESCIA cooperative farmers will provide the essential base level from which to take stock of the current situation and take the most effective action possible.
In April 2022, VIVESCIA began offering all cooperative farmers a free simplified carbon analysis that uses an appropriate, straightforward and accessible methodology developed by the Cooperative's agronomic teams in partnership with a regional startup.
VIVESCIA is the first cereal farming cooperative to offer such a large-scale programme of simplified carbon analyses. Its assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from its farms will be complete by summer 2022, and will significantly accelerate the introduction of low-carbon progress initiatives

Defining our climate strategy by autumn 2022 will facilitate our contribution to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050
Defining our climate strategy by autumn 2022 will facilitate our contribution to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050

This strategy will encompass the broadest possible scope of VIVESCIA activities, from upstream (the Cooperative and its
subsidiaries) to downstream (the companies of VIVESCIA Industries).
Launched in autumn 2021, this cross-functional campaign conducted in conjunction with specialist consultants will conduct a robust assessment of our Scope 3 emissions and set a forward trajectory for our direct and indirect scopes for the period to 2050, set intermediate targets to be achieved by 2030, and monitor relevant indicators.

Defining our climate strategy by autumn 2022 will facilitate our contribution to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050

This strategy will encompass the broadest possible scope of VIVESCIA activities, from upstream (the Cooperative and its
subsidiaries) to downstream (the companies of VIVESCIA Industries).
Launched in autumn 2021, this cross-functional campaign conducted in conjunction with specialist consultants will conduct a robust assessment of our Scope 3 emissions and set a forward trajectory for our direct and indirect scopes for the period to 2050, set intermediate targets to be achieved by 2030, and monitor relevant indicators.

Achieving a 20% reduction in our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2025
Achieving a 20% reduction in our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2025

The substantial efforts we have made since 2015 have already enabled us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 14%.
We are working on two key levers to enable effective action within our direct area of responsibility: optimising energy consumption and working to develop a less carbon-intensive energy mix.

Achieving a 20% reduction in our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2025

The substantial efforts we have made since 2015 have already enabled us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 14%.
We are working on two key levers to enable effective action within our direct area of responsibility: optimising energy consumption and working to develop a less carbon-intensive energy mix.

VIVESCIA en action :

Nos engagements pour le climat :

  • Poursuivre activement l’accompagnement des agriculteurs-coopérateurs dans le déploiement de pratiques agroécologiques sur leurs fermes

Cet engagement majeur est soutenu par les efforts engagés depuis de nombreuses années par les agriculteurs coopérateurs de VIVESCIA accompagnés par notre Coopérative. Face aux grands défis environnementaux, nos agronomes s’attachent à proposer des solutions agronomiques qui apportent des réponses aux différents modes de production et adaptées aux besoins et au projet entrepreneurial de chaque agriculteur.

  • Évaluer l’empreinte biodiversité du Groupe et de ses activités en 2023 et la suivre dans le temps.

Notre objectif est clair : nous souhaitons réduire notre empreinte biodiversité sur l’ensemble des territoires où nous sommes implantés. Mais pour mettre en œuvre des plans d’actions précis et adaptés, il nous faut d’abord évaluer l’empreinte du Groupe, mesurer et quantifier les dépendances et les pressions exercées sur la biodiversité. Cette évaluation de l’empreinte biodiversité du Groupe et de ses activités (y compris des matières premières achetées) sera menée dès 2023.

  • 100 % des sites respecteront la Charte Environnementale du Groupe VIVESCIA d’ici à 2024.

Pour construire une base ambitieuse et solide sur notre périmètre environnemental de responsabilité directe et favoriser l’essor d’une culture transversale, nous avons élaboré une Charte Environnementale Groupe. Déployée courant 2022, elle rassemble les principes fondamentaux de Management environnemental que les sites du Groupe devront respecter d’ici à 2024. Elle couvre les thématiques de l’énergie, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, l’eau, la biodiversité, les coproduits et les déchets, les nuisances et les pollutions. Un groupe de travail composé d’experts métiers a précisé le contenu et les éléments de monitoring à mettre en place pour en assurer son respect dans le temps. Au total, une quarantaine de personnes, directeurs et responsables industriel, technique, RSE, environnement se sont impliqués pour construire ce socle de fondamentaux

Nos engagements et objectifs clés :

  • Poursuivre activement l’accompagnement des agriculteurs-coopérateurs dans le déploiement de pratiques agroécologiques sur leurs fermes

Cet engagement majeur est soutenu par les efforts engagés depuis de nombreuses années par les agriculteurs coopérateurs de VIVESCIA accompagnés par notre Coopérative. Face aux grands défis environnementaux, nos agronomes s’attachent à proposer des solutions agronomiques qui apportent des réponses aux différents modes de production et adaptées aux besoins et au projet entrepreneurial de chaque agriculteur.

  • Évaluer l’empreinte biodiversité du Groupe et de ses activités en 2023 et la suivre dans le temps.

Notre objectif est clair : nous souhaitons réduire notre empreinte biodiversité sur l’ensemble des territoires où nous sommes implantés. Mais pour mettre en œuvre des plans d’actions précis et adaptés, il nous faut d’abord évaluer l’empreinte du Groupe, mesurer et quantifier les dépendances et les pressions exercées sur la biodiversité. Cette évaluation de l’emprunte biodiversité du Groupe et de ses activités (y compris des matières premières achetées) sera menée dès 2023.

  • 100 % des sites respecteront la Charte Environnementale du Groupe VIVESCIA d’ici à 2024.

Pour construire une base ambitieuse et solide sur notre périmètre environnemental de responsabilité directe et favoriser l’essor d’une culture transversale, nous avons élaboré une Charte Environnementale Groupe. Déployée courant 2022, elle rassemble les principes fondamentaux de Management environnemental que les sites du Groupe devront respecter d’ici à 2024.

Elle couvre les thématiques suivantes : 

  • l’énergie
  • les émissions de gaz à effet de serre
  • l’eau
  • la biodiversité
  • les coproduits et les déchets
  • les nuisances et les pollutions 

Un groupe de travail composé d’experts métiers a précisé le contenu et les éléments de monitoring à mettre en place pour en assurer son respect dans le temps. Au total, une quarantaine de personnes, directeurs et responsables industriel, technique, RSE, environnement se sont impliqués pour construire ce socle de fondamentaux.

Nos engagements : 


  • Poursuivre la réduction de nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) engagée sur notre périmètre de responsabilité directe (-20% entre 2015 et 2025)
  • Définir notre "stratégie climat" à l'automne 2022 pour contribuer à la neutralité carbone à l'horizon 2050 et la déployer dans l'ensemble de nos métiers
  • Conduire l'évaluation du stockage carbone dans les sols et des émissions de GES de la ferme VIVESCIA d'ici à l'été 2022 et engager des démarches de progrès bas-carbone


  • Etre moteur et force de proposition auprès des agriculteurs-coopérateurs VIVESCIA dans les transitions agroécologiques et dans la préservation des sols
  • Evaluer notre empreinte biodiversité et viser un impact positif au travers de pratiques agricoles et industrielles vertueuses
  • Minimiser l'empreinte environnementale de nos emballages en misant sur l'écoconception et le développement du recyclage


  • Promouvoir et garantir sur l'ensemble de nos sites le respect de la Charte Environnementale Groupe crée en 2022