Our connections to people
We are a united community of individuals with a daily commitment to caring for the grain in our fields, our silos and our processing facilities, to adding value to cereals in the form of flour, malt, bread and croissants, to sharing our passion for the work we do, and to passing on our skills... This community is what makes us unique and what gives us our strength, and it is our duty to take good care of it.
Our commitments

VIVESCIA in action
Proactive projects, initiatives and proven commitment
The CARE programme has been implemented in all our operating countries for the last five years. This programme is designed to make every employee aware of the risks they may be exposed to at work and in their private lives, so that they can change the way they behave accordingly. But in recent months, the rate of progress has slowed. So to inject new impetus, we launched CARE – On Course For 2025 during the year. Designed with input from the French Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture (ICSI), this programme focuses on the major risks posed by every Group business.

The CARE programme has been implemented in all our operating countries for the last five years. This programme is designed to make every employee aware of the risks they may be exposed to at work and in their private lives, so that they can change the way they behave accordingly. But in recent months, the rate of progress has slowed. So to inject new impetus, we launched CARE – On Course For 2025 during the year. Designed with input from the French Institute for an Industrial Safety Culture (ICSI), this programme focuses on the major risks posed by every Group business.
100%of managers trained in the CARE 2025 vision
0serious or fatal accident in relation to the eight life-saving rules and other major risks identified
100%of personal annual appraisals will include accident prevention initiatives by 2023
This goal is a cornerstone of the VIVESCIA Group Human Resources policy, and underwrites the commitment and professional development of VIVESCIA employees in all Group businesses and locations. By preventing psychosocial risks, we aim to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment for everyone. To measure these risks and take action to prevent them, all VIVESCIA Group companies worked with ANACT (the French National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions) to conduct the Quality of Work Life survey between 2021 and 2022.

This goal is a cornerstone of the VIVESCIA Group Human Resources policy, and underwrites the commitment and professional development of VIVESCIA employees in all Group businesses and locations. By preventing psychosocial risks, we aim to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment for everyone. To measure these risks and take action to prevent them, all VIVESCIA Group companies worked with ANACT (the French National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions) to conduct the Quality of Work Life survey between 2021 and 2022.